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Sejal Lauro, RPA-C

Registered Certified Physician Assistant located in Jefferson Valley, NY & Pawling, NY


Sejal R. Lauro, MS, RPA-C, is a board-certified and licensed physician assistant with over twenty years of health care experience. She is proud to provide compassionate medical care to patients at Stoneleigh Medical Group's two locations in Pawling and Jefferson Valley, New York.

Sejal received her master’s degree in physician assistant studies with a specialization in internal medicine from the University of Nebraska, Omaha. She is nutritarian certified in plant-based nutrition, allowing her to serve a broad patient population. In addition, Sejal is certified in performing nonsurgical cosmetic procedures and is widely known for her attention to detail and fine-tuned skills in this area.

Sejal takes time to get to know her patients and answer any questions they have. She ensures they feel comfortable and seeks to help them understand their condition. She is thrilled to welcome new patients to Stoneleigh Medical Group.