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Is Irritable Bowel Syndrome an Allergy? Feb 15th, 2022

Is Irritable Bowel Syndrome an Allergy? Irritable bowel syndrome can mean an array of symptoms to those who are affected by it. Many report feeling abdominal pain, bloating, diarrhea, constipation, indigestion, nausea, and it is not uncommon for such symptoms to affect mental health too. IBS (Irritable Bowel Syndrome) can...

Guillain-Barre’ Syndrome and Covid-19 vaccine Oct 7th, 2021

Guillain-Barre’ Syndrome  and Covid-19 vaccine Janssen (Johnson and Johnson) Covid-19 Vaccinations As the population of Americans vaccinated against covid-19 increases, the possible side effects of this immunity are becoming more transparent. The Center for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) has authorized and recommended three vaccines for protection against the coronavirus,...

45 is the new 50 Aug 27th, 2021

45 is the new 50 If you’re a fan of Marvel movies, you were probably shocked to learn that Chadwick Boseman died of colon cancer last year1. He was only 43.  Over 50,000 people in the U.S. die of colon cancer each year2. While each death is a tragedy, a...

Mediterranean Diet Reduces Risk of Fatty Liver Disease Aug 13th, 2021

Mediterranean Diet Reduces Risk of Fatty Liver Disease and Colorectal Cancer Colon Cancer and Fatty Liver Disease Obesity is a rampant and growing problem in the United States. Currently 40 percent of the adult population are obese. Obesity is also the leading cause of fatty liver disease. Nonalcoholic fatty liver...

Covid-19 Vaccine Prevents Death and Serious Illness Jul 22nd, 2021

COVID-19 SURGE We are facing another surge of COVID-19 cases with most occurring in the unvaccinated population. This rise in cases is likely due to several factors: the delta variant which currently accounts for 83% of the cases in the United States, the resumption of travel and group activities, the...